发布时间:2024-08-29 14:16


Research Interests:

  • 电力系统规划:城市配电网规划、大电网规划

  • 电力系统分析:潮流计算、安全分析

  • 人工智能技术:深度强化学习、生成式AI在电力系统中的应用



Research Projects:

1. 复杂中低压配电网的人工智能规划技术研究,南方电网公司科技项目,PI,在研,2024-2026。

2. 基于人工智能的负荷与新能源高分辨率预测及电网协同规划技术研究,南方电网公司科技项目,PI,在研,2023-2025。

3. 基于图神经网络与深度强化学习的高比例新能源输电网规划,广东省青年基金,PI,在研,2022-2025。

4. 基于扩展直流潮流算法的大电网运行方式样本自动生成技术研究”,中国电科院国重实验室开放基金,PI,已结题,2022-2024。

5. 高温高湿环境下高负荷密度城市新型空调系统参与电网需求侧响应技术研究,大金(中国)投资有限公司,co-PI,已结题,2022-2023。


English Journal Papers

[1]. D. Liu, M. Zhou, Q. Wu, H. Zhang, and Y. Wang, “Inverse function-based DC power flow model considering network loss and voltage magnitudes”, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, pp. 1–9, 2024. (SCI, Q1)

[2]. Y. Liu, D. Liu, and H. Zhang, “Stochastic unit commitment with high-penetration offshore wind power generation in typhoon scenarios”, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, vol. 12, no. 2, pp. 535–546, Mar. 2024. (SCI, Q1)

[3]. D. Liu, S. Zhang, H. Cheng, L. Liu, Z. Wang, D. Sang, and R. Zhu, “Accommodating uncertain wind power investment and coal-fired unit retirement by robust energy storage system planning”, CSEE Journal of Power and Energy Systems, vol. 8, no. 5, pp. 1398–1407, Sep. 2022. (SCI, Q1)

[4]. D. Liu, L. Liu, H. Cheng, S. Zhang, and J. Xin, “An extended DC power flow model considering voltage magnitude”, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, vol. 9, no. 3, pp. 679–683, May 2021. (SCI, Q1)

[5]. C. Zhang, L. Liu, H. Cheng, D. Liu, J. Zhang, and G. Li, “Frequency-constrained co-planning of generation and energy storage with high-penetration renewable energy”, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 760–775, Jul. 2021. (SCI, Q1)

[6]. C. Zhang, L. Liu, H. Cheng, D. Liu, J. Zhang, and G. Li, “Data-driven distributionally robust transmission expansion planning considering contingency-constrained generation reserve optimization”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 131, p. 106973, 2021. (SCI, Q1)

[7]. D. Liu, S. Zhang, H. Cheng, L. Liu, J. Zhang, and X. Zhang, “Reducing wind power curtailment by risk-based transmission expansion planning”, International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems, vol. 124, p. 106349, 2021. (SCI, Q1)

[8]. D. Liu, L. Liu, and H. Cheng, “A contingency-aware method for N-2 security-constrained transmission expansion planning”, Journal of Modern Power Systems and Clean Energy, vol. 7, no. 5, pp. 1008–1019, Sep. 2019. (SCI, Q1)

Chinese Journal Papers

[1]. 刘盾盾, 柳璐, 程浩忠, 李傲伟, 励刚, 张啸虎. 基于广义主从分裂理论与配电网相协同的输电网规划方法[J]. 中国电机工程学报, 2021, 41(17): 5856-5866. (EI, 中文核心)

[2]. 李傲伟, 柳璐, 程浩忠, 刘盾盾, 张宁, 肖峻. 高比例可再生能源接入下考虑输配协同的输电网规划测试系统[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2021, 45(11): 19-27. (EI, 中文核心)

[3]. 周景, 张衡, 刘盾盾, 程浩忠, 励刚, 张啸虎. 考虑连锁故障的输电网扩展规划方法[J]. 电力自动化设备, 2021, 41(12): 136-142. (EI, 中文核心)

[4]. 刘盾盾, 程浩忠, 刘佳, 曾平良, 张建平, 陆建忠. 输电网鲁棒规划研究综述与展望[J]. 电网技术, 2019, 43(1): 135-143. (EI, 中文核心)

[5]. 刘盾盾, 程浩忠, 方斯顿, 王春义, 张建平, 傅业盛. 计及电压与无功功率的直流潮流算法[J]. 电力系统自动化, 2017, 41(8): 58-62+90. (EI, 中文核心)

[6]. 刘佳, 程浩忠, 刘盾盾, 姚良忠, 曾平良, 马则良. 不确定因素耦合下输电网风险规划研究综述[J]. 电力自动化设备, 2018, 38(7): 11-20. (EI, 中文核心)

Conference Papers

[1]. Z. Ou, L. Zhang, X. Zhao, W. Lan, D. Liu, and W. Liu, “Utilizing deep reinforcement learning for high-voltage distribution network expansion planning,” in 2024 IEEE 2nd international conference on power science and technology (ICPST), May 2024, pp. 725–730. (EI)

[2]. Z. Ou, W. Lan, L. Zhang, Z. Tong, D. Liu, and Z. Liu, “Comparative analysis of offshore wind power prediction models and clustering-based daily output classification,” in 2024 IEEE 2nd international conference on power science and technology (ICPST), May 2024, pp. 1482–1487. (EI)

[3]. Z. Liu, D. Liu, and H. Zhang, “Research on the maximum proportion of renewable energy considering frequency security under different disturbance events,” in 2023 panda forum on power and energy (PandaFPE), Apr. 2023, pp. 49–54. (EI)

[4]. D. Liu, H. Zhang, and Y. Song, “Robust transmission expansion planning considering massive N-1 contingencies with high proportion of renewable energy,” in 2021 IEEE 5th conference on energy internet and energy system integration (EI2), Oct. 2021, pp. 397–402. (EI)

[5]. J. Zhou, D. Liu, H. Cheng, H. Zhang, S. Zhang, J. Zhang, and X. Zhang, “Security-constrained transmission expansion planning considering high proportion of wind power and natural disasters,” in 8th renewable power generation conference (RPG 2019), Oct. 2019, pp. 1–6. (EI)

[6]. D. Liu, C. Shang, H. Cheng, B. Gao, R. Zhu, F. Xue, and J. Chen, “Fast transmission network expansion planning considering the N-2 security criterion,” in 2018 2nd IEEE conference on energy internet and energy system integration (EI2), Oct. 2018, pp. 1–6. (EI)

[7]. D. Liu, C. Shang, and H. Cheng, “A two-stage robust optimization for coordinated planning of generation and energy storage systems,” in 2017 IEEE conference on energy internet and energy system integration (EI2), Nov. 2017, pp. 1–5. (EI)

[8]. D. Liu, H. Cheng, and S. Fang, “Coupled stochastic and robust transmission expansion planning,” in 2017 IEEE power & energy society general meeting, Jul. 2017, pp. 1–5. (EI)

Group Members:

  • 王雅丹(助理研究员)

  • 张晋曦(助理研究员)

  • 欧阳诗雨(博士生,2024)

  • 宫蔺芮(硕士生,2023)

  • 李洋(硕士生,2023)

  • 孙仁敬(硕士生,2024)

  • 邱显欣(硕士生,2024)



  • 刘钊西(硕士,2022-2024),FST Best MSc Student Award,工作去向:澳门东南学校教师

  • 刘伟丰(研究助理,2023-2024),工作去向:湖南大学攻读博士学位


